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Cardiff International White Water
Watkiss Way
Cardiff Bay
CF11 0SY

The First Aider at Work will be able to take control of an incident until a nurse, doctor or ambulance arrives, and is able to fulfil health and safety requirements for the HSE First Aid at Work certificate.

A three day modular course. A three year valid course for statutory and workplace needs. The standard course is designed to introduce a systematic method of first aid for managing casualties. The course is a balance of learning and practical intermixed with scenarios of real situations. The course includes the fundamental workings of the body, in particular the heart, lungs and airway; recognising the differences between healthy, ill and injured; recording the baseline measurements of the vital body functions; introduces a system to cope with all incidents as safely as possible; covers HSE syllabus for first aiders at work, according to the 1981 and 1997 regulations and UK and European resuscitation guidelines.

The First Aid at Work course is certified for three years. Please note that "HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training within any three-year certification period of EFAW or FAW".

By proceeding to book and pay for this session, you are in agreement with our 'CIWW-Coached Terms and Conditions' which are available to view here.


What to bring

  •  We create outdoor scenarios where possible. Please wear suitable clothing for the weather


  •  16 year+


  3 Day course

Key Info
From 16 years
Course duration
3 days
£300 per person